Tuesday, December 7, 2010

 This is the draft of the web structure.
In terms of consistency, my suggestion is letting the colors and elements stay close to our web design. It'll look better and feels better in this case.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Here's another:

Here is an alternate horizontal version. The image banner serves as a large button as well for this style. Excuse the hideous brown colour on the banner lol.

~ Sab

Challenge Page Idea

Hey homeslices, I like Isaac's first format so i played off it to fit the style. Just testing colours too. 


Are we using people on our button/graphic? Photography people? Drawn people? Cartoony people?

I'm guessing were going for the sketchy-partly-coloured stylistically for images like what Aaron showed last time?
I think it might be awesome to have cartoony people drawn in a sketchy style partly coloured. Need ideas for graphics!

- Sab

The challenge page layout draft based on sab's file. the fonts and pics still changeable


the official sizing of dunce logo + random patterns haha